Thursday, September 17, 2015

10 Year Anniversary


Married in a small town, two kids from the big town.
Joined in marriage in front of 40 of their family and friends.

God did something mighty, knitting us together tightly.
Would we make it? So much of that would depend….

Praise Him! We found salvation. Within a year we both accepted Him as Lord and solitary Savior in our lives.
Praise Him! He promised to cover us. Our sins, He forgave us. A future to look forward to as husband and wife.

Along came our little family, a new understanding of humanity, gifts that most parents cannot deny.
Together we walked through suffering, excitement, fear and questioning, but have learned that prayers really do reach the sky.

Ten years, 3 moves, 2 and a half children later, here we are still together, stronger each day only through His grace. Now, we watch for  Him expectantly, looking forward to life with Him eternally, daily seeing our faith play out in front of our face.

We live life now differently, in objection to how society says how things should go and what we should do. We try to obey Him without questioning, without fear and complete understanding, knowing that His love for us is true.

Thank you, God for all of your kindness, mercy and forgiveness. This is something that we surely do not deserve. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice, you died for us, you saved our lives. We live now only that your voice may be heard. 

Ten years united in matrimony, something so pure and holy. This is yet another thing that I do not merit. But, because His love is true, he came to earth and died for you, we do our best to talk of His love and share it..

Thank you Lord, for my family, this precious gift you made for me. Thank you for our struggles and our pain. Thank you, Lord for listening, giving peace and understanding, sending friends to us who also look forward to your reign.

I just want you to know, I’ve given you control, as if I ever had that for a second. So, do what you will with my family; my man, our children, our destiny, but I pray that it is our names you will beckon.

The story of Olafallart and Leslie is only a whisper of the story of God. A story of forgiveness, redemption and love, adoption, acceptance, service; something to be awed.

Thank you for continuing to be the peace in our storms. Your promises are true, it keeps our faith warm. 

There are so many things that I am thankful for, but  today I want to remind you , Lord. That I am most thankful for the man that you gave me 10 years ago, from whom I will never stray.

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