Sunday, September 20, 2015

Something, please pray

September 20, 2015 – A Sunday evening. Ok, friends, something, oh here we go again with the vagueness (!), is supposed to happen on Thursday in Uganda. A few weeks after this something occurs, we will then gain a better understanding of “when” we will get to bring our little girl home.

 I apologize, again, for having to withhold so much information. I do it because I have been asked to do so by our adoption agent and secondly because this is our daughters story. So much of it is wonderful and we love sharing it; however, some parts are private and painful. The things that are taking place now are things that we will tell her about as she grows up, when she asks for information. Please, hang with us for now as we continue to swim in this sea of the unknown, not knowing how or when this will end. 

Yes, there is still a chance that things may not go as we wish. However, there is also a chance that this is another step toward bringing our daughter home. We have decided to focus on this part. If the Lord has other plans for us, He will make them known. For now though, tonight, this week, we are praying for things to go smoothly. We pray for decisions to be made that are in the best interest of our daughter. We are praying for peace to encircle us all, for mercy to be extended both in Uganda and in our hearts.

Once again, I am nervous. Ha! Nothing is in my control. Solution for all of you out there who think you have control of something – go adopt! Although since we have been riding the “patience train” for a while, it is not a jittery-nervous, but more like indigestion. It’s that uncomfortable feeling that has to” run its course”, so you might just stay close to the bathroom just in case. This family has no intention of staying in and hunkering down. We plan to pray harder and then go about our days, knowing that our God has got this all under His control anyway. We learned long ago that just because things do not go as we please, or move along on the timeline that we would like, does not mean that the God of the universe does not have this under His control. He’s got it. Now to pray, ask for more prayers and enjoy the ride. 

So, for anyone willing, please be in prayer for our beautiful daughter on Wednesday and Thursday. We trust God to carry us through this. There is simply no other way. I will update when we hear something. Until then, thank you for your concern and especially for your prayers. 

Here is a great song that fits this occasion. Enjoy!
Just Be Held, by Casting Crowns

Thursday, September 17, 2015

10 Year Anniversary


Married in a small town, two kids from the big town.
Joined in marriage in front of 40 of their family and friends.

God did something mighty, knitting us together tightly.
Would we make it? So much of that would depend….

Praise Him! We found salvation. Within a year we both accepted Him as Lord and solitary Savior in our lives.
Praise Him! He promised to cover us. Our sins, He forgave us. A future to look forward to as husband and wife.

Along came our little family, a new understanding of humanity, gifts that most parents cannot deny.
Together we walked through suffering, excitement, fear and questioning, but have learned that prayers really do reach the sky.

Ten years, 3 moves, 2 and a half children later, here we are still together, stronger each day only through His grace. Now, we watch for  Him expectantly, looking forward to life with Him eternally, daily seeing our faith play out in front of our face.

We live life now differently, in objection to how society says how things should go and what we should do. We try to obey Him without questioning, without fear and complete understanding, knowing that His love for us is true.

Thank you, God for all of your kindness, mercy and forgiveness. This is something that we surely do not deserve. Thank you Jesus for your sacrifice, you died for us, you saved our lives. We live now only that your voice may be heard. 

Ten years united in matrimony, something so pure and holy. This is yet another thing that I do not merit. But, because His love is true, he came to earth and died for you, we do our best to talk of His love and share it..

Thank you Lord, for my family, this precious gift you made for me. Thank you for our struggles and our pain. Thank you, Lord for listening, giving peace and understanding, sending friends to us who also look forward to your reign.

I just want you to know, I’ve given you control, as if I ever had that for a second. So, do what you will with my family; my man, our children, our destiny, but I pray that it is our names you will beckon.

The story of Olafallart and Leslie is only a whisper of the story of God. A story of forgiveness, redemption and love, adoption, acceptance, service; something to be awed.

Thank you for continuing to be the peace in our storms. Your promises are true, it keeps our faith warm. 

There are so many things that I am thankful for, but  today I want to remind you , Lord. That I am most thankful for the man that you gave me 10 years ago, from whom I will never stray.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Moving Mountains

September 1, 2015 – a Tuesday. The lead pastor at our former church has always said that “closet prayers change lives, but group prayers changes communities.” Well, this just proved itself to be true today!

Last week I really felt that the Holy Spirit told me to ask my close friends and family members to specifically pray for our daughter so that things may change in her case, so that we may bring her home. The Lord has been waking me up lately in the wee morning hours, calling me to Him. I always know when God does this as no one can wake me up in the middle of the night so gently or peacefully as He. Also, when I get up and read His Word, I am never tired or groggy when I arise again at our normal wake up time. Crazy, right?! I know, He’s kind of awesome like that. 

So, this week, I sent a text message to close friends and family asking that they pray specifically for our daughter this week. We need to see some movement. Everyone replied acknowledging that they would remember her in their prayers. Today, a well-known pastor asked me to be his FaceBook friend. I have never met this person, mind you, but he sent me a request. I accepted, he then replied with a prayer and told me that  God told him to intercede in prayer for 20 people today and that I was one of those 20!! What?! How is this even possible? How has he ever even heard of me? 

I’m sorry, but I have to just dig into this piece. You have got to understand this. The Bible assures us that God has no favorites. However, has anyone besides me ever wondered if certain pastors, teachers or church workers might just get a front row seat at a Heavenly worship service? I mean, in my little human head, some people are just better believers than me. Well, this is one such person. This pastor is a well-known, widely accepted in the Christian world, author, preacher person. 

I responded that we were already so blessed, then decided, “oh, what the heck! He’s asking, so here we go!” I told him briefly about the obstacles in bringing our daughter home. I told him that we miss her and just need mountains to move. He replied with several meaningful, powerful scripture verses.  He was kind, assuring, and then wished me a good day. 

About an hour later, I was having breakfast when the Baby Home Director contacted me via FaceBook and told me that she had good news! Here is where I have to “go vague” again- I apologize. Our daughters’ biological family has agreed to move forward in taking critical steps in moving forward in the adoption process! The “when” and “how”, I am not sure about; however, there has been MOVEMENT! All family members agreed that this step needs to take place. Ah, Amen! Thank you, Jesus! Now, again, we will have to wait. Ugh, tough word around this house! But, we will wait expectantly, content in knowing that all will work out. Things are getting done. It is well with my soul. Today, I celebrate no revel in God’s amazing surprises and in His love for our daughter and our family!

Thank you all for your continued prayers. Please, pray that things will continue to “move” in Uganda. We still have quite a few hurdles to clear, but this is a positive step!