Thursday, July 3, 2014

Oh, the people you will meet...

July 3, 2014 – a Thursday. So, you may have noticed that my family and I are being “sponsored” by some friends of ours who sell beautiful and unique hand-made necklaces and key-rings. This is amazing to me on many levels. Allow me to explain.

Brooke and Albert – the creative couple who creates those amazing necklaces, feel led to bless others as their business grows. Brooke stays at home and makes the necklaces, unless she is traveling with her husband, Albert, who is a teacher-trainer. Whatever they do, they do it together. He fully supports her in her necklace-making venture. Being a small business owner myself, their level of generosity is astounding. The amount of capital needed to start a business (which varies, of course), the money needed from sales to put back into your business, marketing,  booth rental for shows, traveling costs, etc.  AND they pick a group or family whom they feel led to bless and then give that group a percentage of their sales for a particular month. WOW! This couple is an example of people actually living out their faith! Despite the obstacles that small business owners have to contend with, they have decided to move forward anyway and bless our family.

Another amazing fact about this couple is that we have only met each other once. That’s right. We met at an event in Abilene a few months ago. We all sold some items but it was in no way our best show ever. However, I am learning that God will send me places not to sell things but instead to meet people. And, I cannot underestimate the value of these trips. As much as I want to sell my creations, I absolutely believe that He sends me places to meet more of His people. I remember talking to my husband while at this event and saying, “This is not our best event but I have met the sweetest couple!” I would have never guessed that these precious people would later choose to sponsor my family one day. We have since then kept in touch via FaceBook. It was been fun.

While visiting my family in the South East with my boys, I got an out-of-the-blue FaceBook message from Brooke. She said hello, asked how we were doing and then said that she had been praying for us. She was praying for my family because she felt led to, even though she had not heard from us (or knew of our adoption plans) in a while. I responded and told her that I was visiting family with my boys, that we were having fun and, oh yeah, we are adopting. A few days after getting back home from our vacation, she and Albert sent a message asking if they could sponsor our family for the month of July. Wow! I just stood there amazed. These people whom I have met only 1 time wanted to sponsor my family and me in our adoption journey. I do not think anyone saw this coming except for God who planned it all. The provisions that He provides for those who love Him (just as He promises in the Bible) are always goose bump-inducing!

So, in other words, check out this couple and their cute shop! Please, consider purchasing something from them – it is all wonderfulJ I have two necklaces already if any local friends would like to check them out. Thank you for reading our blog and traveling on this journey with us all.

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