Sunday, June 29, 2014

Shopping Alone

June 28, 2014 – Saturday. Papa took the boys fishing this morning so that I could have some personal time. So, after a shower (I took the time to SHAVE my legs!!), I went to the Stay-at-Home-Mom’s Dream Palace, aka Target. Because I was alone, I was up to going on a Saturday. Trust me – this is rare. After picking up some medicine for our Little O, I took. my. time. Oh, the secret joys of shopping ALL ALONE! I did some price-checking, looked at some new snacks, discovered that Target indeed sells their own brand of chocolate-covered raisins (good news for Jonah), and found myself in the little girls bedding area!

Oh My Word! I had no idea so many cute things existed – and, what?!! We need them all? What is going on? I am a rational, frugal lady. I like to stick to budgets and, did I mention that we are saving money and praying for big bucks to come our way for the purpose of this adoption? But the cutest, most precious little girl toddler bedding set was on Clearance and it found its’ way to me! Maybe she will not like it? Doubtful. But it has multiple colors and will surely match the aqua blue wall in her room! I had to have it. I was nearly teary eyed as I placed this in my basket. How can I have so much love for someone that I have never even met? I instantly thought of God and the love that He has for all of His children. Loving parents want to give their children good things – not everything – but good things. He knit us together in our mother’s wombs. He knows the plans that He has for our lives. How amazing and comforting to know that He planned on this special little girl to be our daughter, long before we were even born!

This little child has miraculously already become our own, even though we have yet to meet her. We pray for her –even our boys do- think of her often, are reading books and taking courses – all in the hope that her transition (and ours) will be smooth. Her Papa and I talk about her daily. We are in love with this little girl, and have yet to see her face or read her story. I cannot conceive of anyone or any being able to piece a family together like this except for my God.  Just as He promises to graft those who call his Son, Jesus Christ, their Savior and promises to adopt them into His family, so can this same God graft human families together. I find this to be nothing short of miraculous.

p.s. – I bought the bedding. Just could not help myself!!! Big O has yet to tell me if I can keep it or not. Fingers crossed:)

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