Sunday, June 29, 2014

What do you get when all 4 people go to the doctor (at separate times)?

May 21, 2014 – after running around for a solid week gathering documents (birth certificates, copy of marriage license, etc.) we are ready and anxious to move forward! For a Type A person, these are the last couple of steps that we can take in which we have control. I have been careful to check off every box, gather every possible document, in order for things to flow smoothly. We are doing our part to get to you, Sweet Girl!

On this day, all FOUR of us will visit the doctor in order for him/her to fill out our necessary Medical Forms for international adoption. This is also Little O’s last week of school – so we are really cramming a lot of “business” into today. Big O saw our doctor at 8, I cruised on in with Jonah T. by my side at 8:30 (had to take Olaf to school), then after little O’s half-day and a traumatic visit to his allergist, we brought the boys to see their Pediatrician so that she could fill out their forms. Whew. I took the boys out for ice cream after all of that. A small celebration was in order. We are coming for you, sister!

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