Sunday, June 29, 2014

We are adopting!

April 24, 2014 – a Tuesday. After much prayer, discussion, more prayer, more conversation, we have decided to “go for it!” and will officially adopt!!! I feel like a newly-pregnant Mama again! Feelings of excitement, a bit of anticipation, but more excitement run through my body. I am pregnant and expecting a new little one – in my heart! And, I do not have to worry about the fatigue and hormones that come along with a typical pregnancyJ Thank you, God, for finding us worthy enough to care for and love one of your little ones. We are grateful, terrified, and so, so excited!
April 24th was the date that my husband and I verbally committed to one another to adopt a little girl from Uganda. After two weeks of intense fact-finding and reading reviews of both international and domestic adoption agencies – we have made the best choice for our family. We are partnering with a small international adoption agency in Iowa. The first time that I spoke to Carla – our case worker – on the phone, there was an immediate connection. It just felt right. I could tell within 3 minutes that she too, was a Christian and that finding “forever homes” for children was her passion. She gave me over an hour of her time that day. She listened, answered all of my questions and then after asking questions about our family suggested two Christian orphanages where our little girl will come from. I was able to go to the websites immediately and view a small portion of their world. Wow! What an amazing opportunity we have before us. We are shaking but humbled to do our best to make a positive difference in this child’s life.

I called my Mom today and shared the news with her! She was immediately excited for us, she knew that we had been talking about adoption for a while. Then, she told me that she could not wait meet her new granddaughter! Thank you, Mom. My heart is full. 

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