Friday, July 25, 2014

Balance & Books

July 25, 2014 – a Friday. So much going on but then not much at all. Behind the scenes, a report is being written up containing favorable information about our family. This is the Home Study. News from Texas has finally come available (we are clear!), so now our Home Study agency has 14-21 days to complete their study and submit it to us for review. I am not one to wish days away, but come on 14 days!!!

Also, I have almost completed the entire book entitled, The Connected Child. I have seriously ear-marked almost every page. They are all so important. It makes me fearful sometimes that we can take this on; however, we are pushing forward and are oh so ready to hold our little girl.

I have begun reading, The International Handbook of Adoption Medicine. I thought that it may be on the boring side; however, it has proven to be quite the opposite. There is SO MUCH to LEARN! I am soaking this stuff up, and then sharing it ALL with my husband, as fast as I can! This Mama is motivated!

Big O and I also plan to start our online adoption training this weekend. This is required both by our adoption agency and by all accredited Hague international adoption institutions. It is truly insightful. It is so necessary to learn about a child’s grieving process, how to look for their triggers in order to help them and how to show them love without any more fear of abandonment. It is a bit frightening at times, but we want to be the most educated parents on the planet. It is very similar to reading the What to Expect When You Are Expecting book while pregnant. It is extremely educational and offers insightful training to help put our minds a bit more at ease.

Currently, I am learning the lesson of “balance” while trying to get adoption stuff completed and investing enough time with our boys. They seem to be just as excited about the growth of our family as we are; however, I want to try to ensure that they do not feel neglected in the “studying and paperwork” of it all. BALANCE.

While I do enjoy reading and pouring all of this knowledge into my brain, I am motivated to get it accomplished now so that we may be placed with our little girl. We must have this training completed in order to be eligible to “meet” her. Oh, how I crave a picture of her precious face. So, needless to say, I LOVE sharing our journey on this blog, but this Mama is off to study, read, take tests and keep up with these sweet boys of ours!

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