Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Adoption is Sexy!

July 15, 2013 – a Tuesday. We have had the pleasure of having our best friends here staying with us for a few days! It has been so refreshing! Our days and evenings have been filled with love and laughter :) My heart is full.

My girlfriend, Kim and I just got back from taking her kiddos (and mine) to meet her parents at a half-way point between their home and where I live. The point of this trip – besides having a blast! – was to leave her kiddos with her parents for a few days. So, we drove back to my home with just my boys. Needless to say, we had TONS of amazing talk time! It was heaven.

One of the topics that we discussed was when I shared how my husbands’ and my relationship was becoming even stronger through this adoption process. I told her that this was an unexpected high point for us both. Olaf and I have a strong marriage, this is something that we treasure and work on daily. However, agreeing with one another to provide endless love for and raise another child together is extremely, dare I say, sexy.

I mean, we are already loving and raising our two boys, who are a mixture of us both, who came out of my body. We thought that this was pretty good glue for us. But, amazingly, this little girl, whom we have yet to see her face, has brought us together in a beautiful and unexpected way. Our pursuit of her, our dreams and hopes for her, have joined us together in a brand new way.

Please, understand that this little girl is no more important to us than our boys that we already have. We will love them all equally. They have all come to us through lots of prayer. This little one may take longer to get here; however, she is ours just the same. And, in the meantime as I spend my days raising boys and filling out paperwork asking for grant money to help fund our adoption, I will take advantage of this new, far-reaching bond growing between my husband and me. Can’t wait for that man to get home!! 

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